Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Style Sheet WIP Update

Finished Line Work of the three poses.  I'm doing some facial expressions now. ps the use for sketches it make it easier ink later

Monday, 9 May 2011

Iron Golem Redo WIP

The Value was off in the last one so I'm trying it again


This is a style sheet for a character

The Line Work for Front Pose is Finished the character is called raine

Here is the Next step side view

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Squid Head Texturing W.I.P

This is a work in Progress
texture included exspect final size expected 512x512

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Work in Progress Parallax Scene

This is from the parallax project in class.

A little more finished

Next Stage

The color of the previous one was cmyk so it kinda sucks. This one's color is rgb and looks much better sorry about that but it is work in progress. the file format is png

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Here comes the Gnasher

This beast will definitely give you a bad day. It's jaws can crush cars and has a face even a mother couldn't love. This one took a while to develop and the modeling is finished.

Head Renders

I am aware that it is an awful title for a post but that what it is. This was a class assignment to design and create a 3d head with 1000 polygons. I included and toon shader because I was bored

Environment Renders

This Scene is called the Boneyard it is rendered with raytraced shadow and all texture maps used contain no specularity. All texture and 512x512 or 256x256 pxs. The Boneyard call to about 9339 polygons

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

More Concept Work

I said I would add more and here it is

The frame is just a mock up for a game that doesn't exist

Here some new life drawing

the picture was taken with a camera so the quality is so so